It’s one of the most common questions we’ll get asked by our runners. It doesn’t require much equipment to be a runner, but a pair of running shoes is a non negotiable, so you should take a closer look into what pair you’re going to buy next.

First you may want to consider when you should upgrade your current pair. 
The general advice is that running shoes should last anywhere from 600 - 1000km which depends on the person wearing them, how durable the shoe is and what surface you’re typically running on, to name a few factors. So to do some quick maths for you, if you’re someone who gets out for a couple of short runs per week then you may only need to stroll into the local running store every 7-12 months for an upgrade, but if you’re running most days and knocking out 80+km per week, then you’re going to become pretty friendly with the running store guys as you’ll be visiting every 2-3 months.

You may have running friends who seem to have an endless rotation of shoes for their weekly running program (...guilty) and wonder what they’re all for. Then you get thinking how many pairs of shoes you should have. This would depend on how often and quick you’re running and how much cash you want to invest to have those cool fluro Nikes everyone seems to be rolling around in.
If you’re running regularly then it would be of benefit to have two decent pairs of running shoes on the go to rotate during the week. This could be a newer and older pair of the same model or two different brands, either way, changing up your shoes can reduce the risk of injury caused by repetition and overload. Keep in mind that if you’re only doing a couple of short runs a week, then having a single pair is fine. 

As for having a pair of fast shoes, it’s really not necessary for most runners. I heard someone say the other day “if your shoes are the thing that is holding back your performance, then you should use your faster shoes”. This means that for most people, work on building your fitness and get the most out of your body first before you stress about fast shoes. If your coach has set some fast sessions in your running program or are doing some fun runs and you want to invest in some lightweight ‘racing shoes’, then it won’t hurt.

It may seem that I’ve avoided the original question “what running shoes should I get?” and that’s because I have. As a running coach I know more about running shoes than most, but I still seek expert advice when it comes to shoes and at risk of this sounding like a sponsored ad (cause it’s not), I highly recommend local specialist running stores. These stores employ runners who will be able to give you specific advice.

A couple of the best specialist stores around are The Running Company which has 10 locations around Australia or if you’re in NSW, then check out PACE Athletic.

Enjoy that next pair of runners and the experience at your local store.

Run Rabbit Coach